Tex-Mex Institute of America provides information and answers to questions about dining Tex-Mex in North America. Entreés, drinks, restaurants & more!
Great Tex-Mex entreés…
While enchiladas & burritos remain quite popular, many other choices make the Tex-Mex experience so enjoyable… so choose what you wish—and enjoy!
Dining Tex-Mex is an experience! Tex-Mex.org lets you choose from the best Tex-Mex restaurants, caterers, chefs & festivals—all with those delicious Tex-Mex flavors we love! From cheese enchiladas to chicken chimichangas… it’s Tex-Mex.org!
Tex-Mex is exciting, enjoyable, affordable and satisfying! With so many choices all around the world, the flavors of Tex-Mex are appreciated worldwide. With beef, pork, chicken, cheese, chiles, herbs & spices… your next Tex-Mex experience awaits you! And consider a refreshing margarita with your Tex-Mex lunch or dinner. Tex-Mex restaurants await you and your guests… …
Feel free to contact us by phone at 210-399-7500 or e-mail us at: support@tex-mex.org — we’ll be glad to assist you Monday-Friday 8am-5pm.